
Showing posts from February, 2018

She has a Career

Beautiful BC  This week I went on a work trip to Chicago. As always, it’s my pleasure to visit different cities and see different things. When I get away I am always amazed by the different buildings and culture, and at the same time am always reminded how beautiful Vancouver is and how lucky I am to live with mountains and ocean out my backdoor. Chicago is a really nice city, and next time I go back, I’m going to explore more… (by that I mean shopping! ;)) Downtown Chicago My days in Chicago were jam packed with meetings and activities. My work is one part of my life that makes me feel alive. It’s risky, gives me a sense of purpose, and allows me to express a part of myself that gets suppressed  in other areas of my life. I like helping people and companies acquire customers. I just do. I really like it. The only glitch is, as a Mom, I always have and probably always will struggle with work/life balance. I am working on figuring out when I should feel guilt about travel

She fell in Love with an Aussie? and... has a "Modern Family?"

Yes, it's true I fell in love with an Aussie. I have always liked the idea of falling in love with a foreigner and making the ultimate sacrifice of moving away from home. Of course, when I first dreamed this up I was at summer church camp, at the age of 12, wanting to move into one of the overnight cabins so that I could "see my friends whenever I wanted", and had no real concept of sacrifice. None-the-less, my 12 year old prophecy (or my partner, since he is the one that moved here...) came true! Meet Adam... Handsome, over the top, sports loving adventurer with a genuine heart, a fast mind, and a loud voice! I met Adam just over two years ago. Its funny because I always tell people that we met on Tinder, but thats only half true. I was working downtown doing marketing for a tech company. Our building was located in an area where "The Flash" a CW network show often does filming. A friend and I were on our way to get a matcha shake when were were stopp

She went on a trip... and bought bad fake tan

It's really nice after something big happens to get a change of scenery and space. Aurora, my 6-year-old, and I got the chance to have a girl’s weekend in Calgary. After my ectopic pregnancy experience I have really had to take it easy to heal up. That meant a lot of lying in bed! Getting out and doing something was much needed for my soul. It really got me moving more, I have two VERY active nephews and we went to a 6-year-old B-day party, I feel like it prepped me to start exercising again! Don't you love it when life makes you move instead of moving at the gym? Despite having a few set-backs here and there, my body is actually feeling quite healed up. I have booked in to get some physiotherapy next week so that I don't injure myself by pushing it, but overall feeling quite good.                   Before                                     After                           Before my surgery, I secretly had this fantasy that maybe one day I would have a rea