
Showing posts from January, 2018

She had an ectopic pregnancy?

I absolutely hate birth control. Us ladies have enough to worry about without having to consume a hormone that makes me a tad crazy and mood swingy, gain a little bit of weight (you know those 10 we are always trying to loose.. then we would be perfect... (Eye Roll)). It just makes me all around a bit weird. I thought that I had it all under control. I was taking my pill right before I went to sleep so that the hormones would be at their worst when I was asleep. This caused some mild night sweats, but lets be real, anything is better than day sweats! The only catch was that, if I ever could not fall asleep in the first 1 hour of taking it, I was up all night. But as lots of us do, I took this pill religiously, for obvious reasons. Preggo! After Christmas I went to the gym and had a really great workout. The kind where you sweat profusely and look gross but just FEEL SO GOOD. On the way home from the gym I got hit with a wave of nausea. I had to eat! Now! I ate, felt bett

She's a blogger now?

I started a blog. Yup, I did it! I'm not totally sure that I am using the right blog template, pretty sure I will not be the coolest blogger in town (guaranteed 99% of my photo's will be taken with my iPhone), but 100% sure I want to start sharing more of my story. This is me. Steph. I love to love. I love to love nature, I love to love my family, I love to love my home, I love to love my partner, I love to love art, I love to love people, I love to love diversity, I love to love hard times (once they are over, am I right?), I love to love life generally. That means that I just want to enjoy the moments that we have. I wanted to share more, to create community by sharing events, thoughts, things that I feel like are big issues (that may not be!) from my life and hopefully open up a dialog. I was inspired to do this because I get so many questions about my "Modern Family," how I function as a boss lady (IE: A total (wannabe) bad ass executive Marketer in the t